

Heficed is the home of many rogue bots.

Traffic originating from Heficed should be banned, period.

IPs to ban (.htaccess) (will be updated if new bots come to attention)

deny from 64.137.
deny from 102.
deny from 181.
deny from 191.101.
deny from 191.96.
deny from 46.102.
deny from 89.45.
deny from 162.251.
deny from 107.173.
deny from 93.113.
deny from 23.226.
deny from 107.155
deny from 173.208.
deny from 94.
deny from 172.93.
deny from 154.29.
deny from 154.16.
deny from 4.204.
deny from 172.174.
deny from 179.61.