
IP2Location is one of best blocking wordpress plugin. IP2Location Country Blocker

Fundamental problem with bots

Imaging on the street, someone stops to take your picture without permission and later publishes it for profit. This essentially summarizes what majority of the bots are doing. You took something from someone without compensation, AND while doing it, messed up someone’s premises. What kind of person or company are you? If you can’t do …

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htaccess – blocking bots

For apache servers, htaccess is the best tool stopping bot traffic cold. Benefits: little CPU and little memory being consumed versus full-blown call to the server and database Faster server responding time and no unnecessary upgrade to server hardware simply because bot traffic has consumed major part of CPU and memory. Two ways of doing …

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WordPress Only XML-RPC, or XML Remote Procedure Call is a protocol which uses XML to encode its calls and HTTP as a transport mechanism. Beginning in WordPress 3.5, XML-RPC is enabled by default. Hackers are known to use XML-RPC to crack wp-login.php, using zombie computers and servers scattering around the globe. Disable XML-RPC-API Disable XML-RPC-API …

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All In One WP Security & Firewall – blocking bots

WordPress Only All In One WP Security & Firewall All-In-One Security (AIOS) – Security and Firewall Under Blacklist Manager Offending IP or IP ranges and bot UserAgents can be listed and banned

WP User Online – Detecting

WordPress Only WP-UserOnline By Lester ‘GaMerZ’ Chan WP-UserOnline This plugin is super helpful and a must tool in catching bot traffic. To get the underlying UserAgents, try “View Source” under various tools provided by the browsers.